Thursday 30 October 2014

Cherry Tomatoes and Petunia - Updates

Thanks to Diana for informing me that the flower plant is Petunia. I honestly don't recognize flowers except for lilies and roses. Sorry ok to those flower lovers! :)

Anyway the petunia which I bought before eid adha that day seems to be growing well. Alhamdullilah...makin besar dan makin banyak bunganya. But true like some of the tips given saying that u need to keep on picking all the dried flowers from the plant. And kekadang patah patah Kan sikit cabang dia. Baja I only pour air beras once a while and baja bunga once in two weeks. See...cantik kan bunga dia n wangi plak tu.

Yang di bawah petunia ni I tanam cherry tomato. Fat and seem to be growing well too also. Yang I planted else where all still kemetut. Think it's the medium that plays a role a lot in tomato growing. And this one, for fertilizer I put my usual taik cacing processed. Moga cepat lah berbuah yea..

This one planted in polybeg. Size still like hobbit
though birthday all the same.